We are a Free Exchange of Ideas and Techniques for Novice or Pro Do-It-Yourselfers. Want to learn how to brew your own beer, root beer, wine, or cider (even hard cider), or sugar and salt cure meat and fish, make soap, candles, grow your own organic sprouts or vegetables, and even grow your own tobacco you've come to the right spot. We will add other projects as requested, experts and merchandisers are all welcome to participate.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: This Could Be Your Life!
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: This Could Be Your Life!: "A guide to a shareable life. This could be your life: You wake up and whip up omelets with tomatoes fresh from your SharedEarth.com garden..."
This Could Be Your Life!
A guide to a shareable life. This could be your life: You wake up and whip up omelets with tomatoes fresh from your SharedEarth.com garden before dressing your toddler in Gap cargo pants you scored on Thredup. Your Zimride whisks you to the office where you race to your Freecycle laptop to book your anniversary getaway-a cozy Parisian flat-on AirBnB. To zip around to the afternoon meetings you arranged at LiquidSpaces, you unlock your VW RelayRide in the parking lot. When you realize you forgot to buy those new nightstands, you hire a runner on TaskRabbit to swing by Ikea, pick them up, and assemble them with a drill borrowed from NeighborGoods. After this exhausting day, you arrive home to a hot filet mignon dinner for two from Gobble and two copies of Fodor's Paris BookCrossing resting on your new nightstands. Does that sound good? George Jetson esque? It is happening right now in America and will be the new marketing of products, services, and change the way we view ownership for the future. I pose this question to you...do you really need to own a car if you only drive 1-2 hours each day? Could it be better to reserve a car from a pool of vehicles for the times you need one or must you be able to look out in the driveway and see that baby sitting there?
Do we own stuff or does it own us? This Purple Heart Stamp thing really set me off and to thinking about what we Americans do honor.
We get praise and pats on the back for buying a new car or truck no matter whether it is electric or not, boats, swimming pools, home theater systems you get the idea. All material things that in themselves have no meaning at all. Do we seek to congratulate the Dad or Mom that purchases life insurance to provide for the family if they die prematurely...of course not, that's no fun. How about the family that plants a big garden and teaches their kids how to raise their own vegetables or take them to the local farmers market to learn about farming and raising quality good food...nay, that's no fun. We are so brainwashed and trained by the News Media, Madison Avenue and Wall Street to behave and perform like trained seals when we, or a friend buy their products...convincing us that our quality of life will improve if we just own stuff! Well I say to hell with them I won't behave anymore like their trained seal. I will create my own whenever I can and buy from the little guy when I can't make it myself. Then I will feel proud that I own the best thing to own...myself and it ain't for sale anymoreSaturday, May 7, 2011
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: Do We Own Things or Do Things Own Us?
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: Do We Own Things or Do Things Own Us?: "This Purple Heart Stamp thing really set me off and to thinking about what we Americans do honor. We get praise and pats on the back for b..."
Do We Own Things or Do Things Own Us?
This Purple Heart Stamp thing really set me off and to thinking about what we Americans do honor. We get praise and pats on the back for buying a new car or truck no matter whether it is electric or not, boats, swimming pools, home theater systems you get the idea. All material things that in themselves have no meaning at all. Do we seek to congratulate the Dad or Mom that purchases life insurance to provide for the family if they die prematurely...of course not, that's no fun. How about the family that plants a big garden and teaches their kids how to raise their own vegetables or take them to the local farmers market to learn about farming and raising quality good food...nay, that's no fun. We are so brainwashed and trained by the News Media, Madison Avenue and Wall Street to behave and perform like trained seals when we, or a friend buys their products...convincing us that our quality life will improve if we just own stuff! Well I say to hell with them I won't behave anymore like their trained seal. I will create my own whenever I can and buy from the little guy when I can't make it myself. Then I will feel proud that I own the best thing to own...myself and it ain't for sale anymore!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: Grow your own tobacco and Save thousands of dollar...
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: Grow your own tobacco and Save thousands of dollar...: "There has never been such a need like there is today to grow your own tobacco. With huge tax increases adding even more to the cost of ciga..."
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: How To Smoke Fish
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: How To Smoke Fish: "Smoking Fish Smoking Fish The fisherman's catch, if properly preserved, can be a welcome addition to family meals over a period of s..."
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: SPROUT PEOPLES PLACE
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: SPROUT PEOPLES PLACE: "EAT MORE SPROUTS...SPROUTS ARE A POWERHOUSE OF NUTRIENTS Sprouts have been grown by many civilizations over the past 5,000 years. Research..."
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: MAKING CANDLES IS FUN AND EASY!
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: MAKING CANDLES IS FUN AND EASY!: "Candle making has come a long way since the pioneers made tapers by dipping wicks in bear fat or beeswax. Today you can get all the suppl..."
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: MAKING SOAP IS GOOD CLEAN FUN
Going my Way...Hop on in and we'll get you where you want to go.: MAKING SOAP IS GOOD CLEAN FUN: "Making Soap is Good, Clean Fun Soap making has a long and illustrious history extending at least 5,000 years in written history. It is li..."
Making Soap is Good, Clean Fun
Soap making has a long and illustrious history extending at least 5,000 years in written
history. It is likely that it was in use long before that period. Probably an accidental
discovery, soap has become a part of our daily lives.
The basic soap making process involves mixing lye, a base, with some fatty acid, such as
oil, grease or fat. By heating the combined ingredients, a chemical reaction takes place
converting the liquids to a foamy substance. This process could take six to eight hours,
or longer. When cooled, the gelatinous mass would be stored in a barrel and accessed
by a scoop.
Hard soaps, which were rarely made, could be created by adding salt to the mixture at
the end of the cooking process. Salt was simply too valuable to use for such purposes
for most homesteaders. Therefore, soft soap was the standard formulation. Hard soaps
were sold by the pound in town, occasionally scented with various essential oils to
attract high-brow clients.
Today Soap Making is much easier
The simplest way for a beginner to try soap making is to avail themselves of all the premade
soap making supplies available at the local hobby shop. Pick up a couple of the
“melt and pour” soap bases available and you are ready to experiment. The soap base
can be melted either in a double boiler or in the microwave, making it ideal for new soap
The tools you need to make your first bars of soap are as follows;
1. “Melt and Pour” soap bases
2. Plastic wrap
3. Essential Oils or Fragrance Oils
4. Colorant
5. Rubbing Alcohol
6. Soap Making Forms
Planning your Soapy Adventure
You will need to plan out how many soaps you want to make, in which forms and what
you want them to look and smell like. Gather up your tools and let’s get started.
1. Melt your soap base, either in the microwave or the double boiler.
2. Once the base is fully melted, add the fragrance or essential oil. With
essential oils you want to work quickly from this point, heat helps them
dissipate faster. Mix the oil in thoroughly.
3. Add the color. Use the rubbing alcohol to break any “mica bubbles” by
spraying the surface of the soap as you mix. Add colorants carefully and
slowly, especially if you opt to use food coloring. Some colors will dye
everything, including your hands and towel, when you wash. Don’t over do
4. First stabilize your molds then pour in the liquid soap. Use rubbing alcohol to
break any surface bubbles.
5. Let the soap cool fully before you remove it from the mold.
Now, let’s get fancy!
Fancier Soaps that are Just as Easy
There are lots of ways to make your soaps appear fancier without needing to invest a lot
of money or learn a long list of additional skills.
The frst way to add some fun to your soaps is with a double pour. Mix two batches of
soap with different colors. When pouring into the mold keep each color as close as
possible to its own side. The soaps will meet in the middle and swirl together
Make a bar of soap with dried flowers embedded deep inside. Use a completely clear
soap base and several dried flowers. Using the melted base, fill the mold about 1/3 of
the way. Spray with alcohol and wait about 15 minutes for a thin skin to form, and then
place the flowers in a pretty pattern. Gently cover the flowers with more melted soap
base to fill the mold.
If you try out these soaps and catch the soap making “bug,” then take a look online. You
will find hundreds of soap making recipes to try; from the simple to the complex.
Making soap is good, clean fun!
Soap making has a long and illustrious history extending at least 5,000 years in written
history. It is likely that it was in use long before that period. Probably an accidental
discovery, soap has become a part of our daily lives.
The basic soap making process involves mixing lye, a base, with some fatty acid, such as
oil, grease or fat. By heating the combined ingredients, a chemical reaction takes place
converting the liquids to a foamy substance. This process could take six to eight hours,
or longer. When cooled, the gelatinous mass would be stored in a barrel and accessed
by a scoop.
Hard soaps, which were rarely made, could be created by adding salt to the mixture at
the end of the cooking process. Salt was simply too valuable to use for such purposes
for most homesteaders. Therefore, soft soap was the standard formulation. Hard soaps
were sold by the pound in town, occasionally scented with various essential oils to
attract high-brow clients.
Today Soap Making is much easier
The simplest way for a beginner to try soap making is to avail themselves of all the premade
soap making supplies available at the local hobby shop. Pick up a couple of the
“melt and pour” soap bases available and you are ready to experiment. The soap base
can be melted either in a double boiler or in the microwave, making it ideal for new soap
The tools you need to make your first bars of soap are as follows;
1. “Melt and Pour” soap bases
2. Plastic wrap
3. Essential Oils or Fragrance Oils
4. Colorant
5. Rubbing Alcohol
6. Soap Making Forms
Planning your Soapy Adventure
You will need to plan out how many soaps you want to make, in which forms and what
you want them to look and smell like. Gather up your tools and let’s get started.
1. Melt your soap base, either in the microwave or the double boiler.
2. Once the base is fully melted, add the fragrance or essential oil. With
essential oils you want to work quickly from this point, heat helps them
dissipate faster. Mix the oil in thoroughly.
3. Add the color. Use the rubbing alcohol to break any “mica bubbles” by
spraying the surface of the soap as you mix. Add colorants carefully and
slowly, especially if you opt to use food coloring. Some colors will dye
everything, including your hands and towel, when you wash. Don’t over do
4. First stabilize your molds then pour in the liquid soap. Use rubbing alcohol to
break any surface bubbles.
5. Let the soap cool fully before you remove it from the mold.
Now, let’s get fancy!
Fancier Soaps that are Just as Easy
There are lots of ways to make your soaps appear fancier without needing to invest a lot
of money or learn a long list of additional skills.
The frst way to add some fun to your soaps is with a double pour. Mix two batches of
soap with different colors. When pouring into the mold keep each color as close as
possible to its own side. The soaps will meet in the middle and swirl together
Make a bar of soap with dried flowers embedded deep inside. Use a completely clear
soap base and several dried flowers. Using the melted base, fill the mold about 1/3 of
the way. Spray with alcohol and wait about 15 minutes for a thin skin to form, and then
place the flowers in a pretty pattern. Gently cover the flowers with more melted soap
base to fill the mold.
If you try out these soaps and catch the soap making “bug,” then take a look online. You
will find hundreds of soap making recipes to try; from the simple to the complex.
Making soap is good, clean fun!
essential oils,
fancy soaps,
handmade soaps,
Candle making has come a long way since the pioneers made tapers by dipping wicks in bear fat or beeswax. Today you can get all the supplies you need for beautiful candles at your local crafts store. Whether you want to have scented pillars for elegant dinner tapers, it is all available. For a fun accent to use at a summer barbecue or a poolside party, seashell candles are the perfect project.
Supplies for the project
For this project you will need several things;
Heat your wax, according to the directions on the packet, until it is just liquid and then add your color and your fragrance. Mix in carefully, but well.
Let the wax cool slightly, to about 145°, so the wax just begins to form a shell at the edges of the pot. Now, stir rapidly so you incorporate some air into the mix. These bubbles will promote a water-like look.
Quickly pour the wax into each seashell being careful not to tip the shells and to keep the wicks out of the wax. Let the wax cool fully.
Tip; if you want a more unique look have on hand some sand and tiny shells that you can use to decorate the cooling wax and make “beach scenes” on top of the wax. Avoid flammable materials if you do this.
Once the wax is somewhat set, but not firm, cut petal shapes from the wax. Wrap increasingly larger petals around a central wick, forming a flower as you go. To seal the bottom of the flower, and give it a good base, hold the wick with pliers and dip it back into wax you have kept warm on the stove.
You can let your imagination run wild. Use several colors per flower. Blend the edges with a warm finger. Make large and small flowers to use together. This is where you can get really creative.
Let the candle cool completely and place them in a bowl of water.
There are so many ways to make candles. Functional and fun, they are a great project to do with the kids on a rainy day.
Supplies for the project
For this project you will need several things;
- Paraffin, either blocks or beads
- Teal dye, liquid – or another color you like
- Cotton wicks – the ones with a small metal plate at the bottom, so they stand independently
- Large Seashells
- A pouring container
- Hot Glue Gun
- Fragrance – optional
- Thermometer
The Process of Making Sea Shell Candles
Set out your seashells and let them reach their natural balance point. Using a glue gun, attach the wicks to the lowest reasonable point inside each shell. Prop each shell in its optimal position so it doesn’t move when you pour in the wax.Heat your wax, according to the directions on the packet, until it is just liquid and then add your color and your fragrance. Mix in carefully, but well.
Let the wax cool slightly, to about 145°, so the wax just begins to form a shell at the edges of the pot. Now, stir rapidly so you incorporate some air into the mix. These bubbles will promote a water-like look.
Quickly pour the wax into each seashell being careful not to tip the shells and to keep the wicks out of the wax. Let the wax cool fully.
Tip; if you want a more unique look have on hand some sand and tiny shells that you can use to decorate the cooling wax and make “beach scenes” on top of the wax. Avoid flammable materials if you do this.
Floating Flowers; Summer Beauty in a Bowl
To make floating flowers you need the following:- Parafin
- Plastic Wrap
- Fragrance, optional
- Liquid Candle Dye
- Craft Knife
- Thermometer
- Wick material
Once the wax is somewhat set, but not firm, cut petal shapes from the wax. Wrap increasingly larger petals around a central wick, forming a flower as you go. To seal the bottom of the flower, and give it a good base, hold the wick with pliers and dip it back into wax you have kept warm on the stove.
You can let your imagination run wild. Use several colors per flower. Blend the edges with a warm finger. Make large and small flowers to use together. This is where you can get really creative.
Let the candle cool completely and place them in a bowl of water.
There are so many ways to make candles. Functional and fun, they are a great project to do with the kids on a rainy day.
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